The distortion regarding the purpose of taxes in Spain

Times for reflection

blog-La distorsión del para qué de los impuestos en EspañaThe current situation makes it difficult to attempt to “defend” taxes in Spain given that, in my opinion, their purpose and need have been completely distorted with the latest measures taken by the Government. However, and from a sociological point of view, I feel the “obligation” to try to express why there is a generalized annoyance in society.

The Spanish society is seeing how taxes are becoming its worst Leviathan, and I believe that this does not fairly reflect what the State endeavors to achieve through them: equality and income redistribution. By any chance are the Spanish people aware of what is intended to be achieved with greater collection from the tax increase, or perhaps it is only thought that this increased tax burden they will bear will be used for rescuing some bank or for the salaries of some high executives?.

In our country we have never stood out for having a great tax education, and not because we did not need it, but rather due to the negligence of those who make decisions regarding the investment of money and efforts for making citizens better aware and educated in relation to their obligations. However, I believe it is a mistake if one does not bear in mind that in order to achieve voluntary tax compliance, a utopia of any contemporary Finance Ministry, citizens have to be educated about the why and what taxes are for. This should begin in the early years, by taking advantage of the wonderful Civic and Tax Education Program of the Spanish Tax Agency and the Institute of Fiscal Studies and continue in adulthood, by attempting to explain the why and what for, of the measures and decisions made from the standpoint of income, as well as public expenditure.

I believe that tax measures, today, tomorrow, and forever, should be followed up with an explanation on the objectives they seek to achieve and why these and not others are chosen … ultimately, this means greater transparency. This undoubtedly would result in greater and better collection, as well as less and more responsible spending. What should not in any way originate from tax increases and cuts in public expenditures is the generalized feeling among citizens that they are victims of a “purse theft”.

Do you believe that additional tax education and further explanation about tax measures or public expenditures would improve the Spaniards’ attitude vis-à-vis their tax obligations?

What is clear is that without taxes we could not count on the State of Welfare we currently enjoy, even though we may think it is every day fading a little more … and more.

Let us continue to reflect … because this time, our Welfare State depends on it.

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