Executive Council
Consists of nine Council Members elected annually by the General Assembly. It is responsible for managing and following up the performance of activities and the execution of the Executive Secretariat budget, in addition to outlining CIAT’s institutional strategies.
Consists of one President and eight Council Members. The President will be the representative of the member country hosting the General Assembly or, if the latter were held in a country from a region other than the Americas, the representative of a country of the Americas that the General Assembly designates. In case of temporary absence or left office, his substitute shall be chosen from among the representatives of member countries that sit in Council. The outgoing President or whoever replaces him in his capacity as representative of his country and the representative of the member country hosting the next General Assembly shall be ex officio Council Members. The remaining six (6) Council Members shall be elected by the Assembly for a two-year term, with only one of them being a representative of a country from a region other than the Americas. Renewal will take place annually by halves.
2024 – 2025
Brasil – Adriana Gomes Rêgo
Special Secretary of the Federal Revenue (RFB)
Chile – Javier Etcheberry Celhay
Acting Director – Internal Revenue Service
Kenia – Humphrey Wattanga
Commissioner General
United States – Douglas O’Donnell
Deputy Commissioner of Services and Enforcement
Uruguay – Gustavo González Amilivia
Director General of Revenue