Let us read!

Our new virtual library

The CIAT Assembly, held in Mexico City during the last week of April 2016, marks the 50th anniversary of CIAT. Undoubtedly, this Assembly has a historical spirit. On these occasions, organizations try to present greetings, develop new products, deliver Commemorative souvenirs and other actions that serve not only as a tribute to the lived history but also the beginning of something, a new product or a new practice, to mark the milestone, yes, but also to come with the promise to continue walking firmly towards the future.

CIAT and its Executive Secretariat are not the exception. A commemorative magazine, “50 years-CIAT” has been created, along with a document of reference “CIAT publications” from 1967 to date, both with the mode of a “QR” reading code through mobile devices. We are also working on a book on the fifty years of the tax administration, with a focus on Latin America and the Caribbean, covering the milestones decade-to-decade, the greatest achievements and the great lessons, which will be released this year. The opening of the 50th Assembly began with a short, but emotional video, doubtlessly a concentrated pill of our Organization’s history. This opening coincides with the release of the new version of our virtual library.

The Jorge Eduardo Corradine Library now has a new face. The change is not cosmetic. It is a change aimed at readers, users, and a change for you.

The most interesting innovations are a significant improvement of search capabilities. The collections on the general assemblies and technical conferences documents allow consulting and downloading all documents, including those of the first assembly: “The role of the tax administrator (“CIAT General Assembly, No. 1, Panama, Rep. of Panama, 1967) “, transmitting with a certain romantic character the digitization of typewritten papers of the period.

The other sections include the entire CIAT production: books; models and manuals; documents of research scholarships, monographs contests, and working groups; and all issues of the Tax Review.

The results, which are presented as a list, can be filtered for a range of years, by using the full or partial names of authors, by key words, or a combination of them. This facilitates the search for content. A click on an entry on the list opens a bibliographic card with details about copyright, language, date of publication and the elements of information for classification. From the card, to the right – bottom, the full document is available for download.


Some older documents, which are digitized from images, do not allow the full download; however, they can be downloaded separately from a list of individual items.

The tab provides a list of content for that purpose.


From the Executive Secretariat, we hope that you will use and enjoy the new library, that the changes will be effective for you, and that you will support us by promoting the library with your colleagues and friends. On my part, I want to acknowledge the efforts of Elizabeth Rodríguez and Carlos Muñoz, who have built the new product with the supervision and support of Neila Jaén and Tomás Torres, have migrated the data, developed the links, created the elements of information for classification of searches and led the process of testing the new product.

Greetings and Godspeed.

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