ESAF and CIAT conclude Module II on Tax Administration

The face-to-face Seminar on Module II of Tax Administration was successfully held in Brasilia, on March 29 to 31 of this year at the headquarters of ESAF (School of Tax Administration of Brazil).
It was part of the Course for Tax Officials held by ESAF under the e-learning modality.
Participants in the event included the CIAT Director of Studies and Training, Mrs. María Raquel Ayala Doval and Mr. Mauro Bogea, ESAF Director. Together with international guests they conducted lectures on relevant issues of current tax importance, as well as presented the certificates to the students who passed the Module.  The participants included 286 officials from the Federal Tax Administration of Brazil (RFB) as well as from the States of the Federation and the tax administration of Mozambique who evaluated favorably the materials  of the course and in particular, the tutors.

The Tax Administration Module is based on the CIAT course that  bears the same name, which was translated into Portuguese by ESAF according to the agreement signed by the latter, RFB and the Center, within the framework of the CIAT General Assembly held in Santo Domingo in 2009.

This is the first of a series of courses which CIAT will provide ESAF to be translated and given to national and subnational tax officials in Brazil.

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