CIAT participated in the Tax Inspectors without Borders meeting

The CIAT Executive Secretary, Márcio F. Verdi, was the Moderator of the first panel discussion on this OECD/UNDP initiative which provides expert assistance and transfer of tax audit knowledge to developing countries.

The meeting was held in Paris at the OECD locations on Nov 3, 2017

Interest in this initiative underscores the growing importance of the role of partnerships and international co-operation in strengthening domestic resource mobilization, a key objective of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition to lessons learned from the first two years of TIWB’s operation, participants discussed the challenges and risks in delivering assistance, the kinds of tax base erosion that are most pervasive and challenging for developing countries, and the way forward to deliver the initiative’s target of 100 deployments by 2020.

Launched as a joint OECD/UNDP initiative in 2015, TIWB facilitates the deployment of international tax audit experts to work alongside tax administrations in developing countries on complex international tax audits. TIWB was designed to support developing countries to strengthen domestic resource mobilization by transferring technical know-how and skills to local tax auditors, as well as share general audit practices. 27 TIWB programmes are currently underway in 23 countries with 7 new programmes in the pipeline for 2018.

Additional information: Stakeholders Workshop Joint Statement of Outcomes by the OECD and UNDP

Source:  OECD/UNDP – Tax Inspectors Without Borders

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