CIAT-GIZ-UN support Trinidad & Tobago on strengthening their capacity to protect and broaden their tax base

In response to a request made by Trinidad and Tobago, a second workshop of CIAT and the UN was held on June 11 -14, 2018, at the headquarters of the Trinidad and Tobago Tax Agency in the city of Port of Spain. Its topic was the possible incorporation in the internal tax legislation of measures tending to counteract the erosion of tax bases through payments for service, rents and royalties. Likewise, the importance of general anti-abuse clauses was analyzed, both in domestic legislation and in the agreements to avoid double taxation.

This workshop was made possible thanks to the support of GIZ from Germany in the framework of the CIAT-GIZ cooperation agreement, as well as the CIAT-UN agreement, which allowed us to join efforts contributing to the strengthening of the tax administrations in the region.

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