Sad passing away of economist Elsa Romoleroux de Mena (R.I.P)
We have been informed of the sad decease of the Economist ELSA ROMOLEROUX DE MENA, on Monday 30th March 2020. Mrs. Mena was an illustrious Ecuadorian professional, to whom history owes the construction of the modern Tax Administration of Ecuador, which in a few years turned the Internal Revenue Service into the model Institution of the Public Administration of Ecuador, very well recognized in the sphere of the tax administrations of the American continent which are part of the CIAT Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations, a technical body which decisively contributed to give a new face of modernity and transparency to the Ecuadorian tax administration.
Her leadership and her unceasing struggle to demonstrate that it was possible to institutionalize public service with dignity, added to her values of respect, honor and transparency, constitute a legacy that will be a model to be followed by future generations.
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