CIAT participated in the First Meeting of Operational Partners of the EUROsociAL II Program

The First Meeting of Operational Partners of the EUROsociaL II Program was held in Madrid on July 12 and 13, 2011 and was inaugurated with statements by Messrs. Antonio Fernández Poyato, Director of FIIAPP, the organization which leads the Consortium and Vittorio Tonutti, Head of Sector of the European Commission. Its main objectives were to disseminate the experience of EUROsociAL I and the perspectives of EUROsociAL II, present the Program’s methodology and results of the demand identification missions carried out in Latin American countries as well as the holding of workshops with each of the 5 sectors of the Program, for discussing general aspects and identifying possible lines of action.

The Program currently consists of 7 coordinating partners, 33 operational partners and 45 collaborating entities which deal with the following “Thematic Axes”: universal access to social quality services, social protection and promotion of active employment policies, tax systems and public finances that may facilitate expenditure redistribution and efficiency, democratic institutionality, unity between government levels , promotion of legality and struggle against corruption; public security, rights and access to justice.

As a result thereof, possible actions have been prioritized, to be subsequently discussed at sectorial and intersectorial meetings that will be held in Latin America in order to adjust the country demands and formulate specific actions.

In the Public Finance area, the following issues dealing with public expenditure as well as public revenues have been prioritized: strengthening of effectiveness, efficiency and equity of public finances, public accountability, tax education and international taxation.


Picture: Mr.Antonio Fernandez Poyato, Director of FIIAPP, which is the organization leading the consortium and Mr.  Vittorio Tonutti, Head of Sector European Commission.

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