Tax Modeling Workshop – Micro-simulation
The workshop on Tax Modeling – Micro-Simulation organized by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) as part of the LAC tax initiative (Latin America and the Caribbean), took place in Brasilia, Brazil from October 17th to 21st under the sponsorship of the School of Finance Administration (ESAF) of Brazil.
This workshop was addressed to officials that work in the area of tax policy, mainly involved in tax modeling within the Ministry of Finance or the Tax Administrations of their respective countries.
The main purpose of this event was to provide participants with the necessary knowledge about the principles and techniques of micro-simulation that are required for the modeling of collection impacts resulting from changes in tax policy in areas such as the Personal Income Tax and Corporate Income Tax, as well as the Value Added Tax.
Pictured: Exhibitors and participants of the workshop.