CIAT Public Information Network Meeting

On September 22, 2022, a meeting of the Public Information Network was held virtually and with the support of the German Development Cooperation (GIZ). The purpose of the meeting was to evaluate the progress of the Public Information Availability (DIP) initiative, discuss lessons learned in recent years, share best practices and proposals for cooperation. The new DIP software, which is currently in an advanced development process, was also presented.

In addition to the Executive Secretariat’s presentations on the aforementioned issues, a representative of the GELAVEX Group of the Organization of American States (OAS) commented on the experience of this group with respect to the use of public information to address illicit financial flows; and a representative of the State Agency of Tax Administration (AEAT) of Spain commented on the experience of this institution in the identification and use of sources of public information.

In conclusion, it was decided to move forward with the DIP initiative and evaluate, both on the part of the CIAT Executive Secretariat and the tax administrations, to increase cooperation actions to promote DIP among more tax administrations, structure processes related to the identification and use of public information sources and develop mechanisms to facilitate access to unpublished public information. Over the next few months, the Executive Secretariat and its member countries will work on the purging and harmonization of information and data related to the information sources currently available in DIP, for their migration to the DIP+ tool.

The Executive Secretariat appreciates the support of GIZ to the Public Information Network and the efforts of its member countries to consolidate DIP as a useful tool for the work of the tax administrations.

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