Visit of the Ambassador of Spain in Panama to CIAT headquarters

On November 30, 2022, the Ambassador of Spain in Panama, Mr. Guzmán Palacios, accompanied by the Head of the Spanish Mission to CIAT, Mr. Mariano Rojo, visited the CIAT facilities and was received by the Executive Secretary, Mr. Marcio Verdi, and his team of directors and managers.

The meeting was very pleasant and fruitful and served for the Ambassador to learn about CIAT’s history of more than 50 years and the recent and future activities that the Institution has planned in Latin America and the Caribbean.

On the other hand, the Ambassador also showed great interest in CIAT’s collaboration with the Panamanian Tax Administration and the projects that are being developed.

After the presentation of several gifts to the Ambassador by the CIAT Executive Secretary, they agreed to meet again at the Ambassador’s residence in the coming months.

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