Seminar on “Large Firms Taxation – Transfer Pricing”

The seminar of regional interchange on the subject “Large Firms Taxation – Transfer Pricing” was carried out in Lima, Peru from November 21st to 23rd, 2011, organized by the CIAT and financed by the Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) of Germany, with the technical collaboration of the OECD and the co-sponsorship of the National Superintendency of Tax Administration (SUNAT).

The event was inaugurated with the words of the Representative of the German Embassy for the German Cooperation in Peru, Mrs. Patricia Schmidt, the Representative of the Vice ministry of Economy of Peru, Mr. Eduardo Sotelo and the SUNAT Superintendent, Ec. Tania Quispe; the participation of experts in transfer pricing of the Tax Administrations of Germany, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela; representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Finances of Peru; the Chamber of Commerce of Lima; the Exporter Association of Peru; as well as expert from KPMG and Deloitte & Touch of Mexico; and Ernst & Young and Price Waterhouse Cooper of Peru. On behalf of the OECD participated Mr. Wolfgang Büttner, Specialist in Transfer Pricing; for the German Agency for the Cooperation, Mr. Jörg Wisner, Director of Programs; and for the CIAT, the International Cooperation Manager, Mr. Gonzalo Arias.

This activity has been of great value for the participants by virtue of the diversity of experts of the public sector as well as tax advisors and businessmen, which has allowed maintaining productive debates. It is also worth mentioning that the Economist Tania Quispe, when presenting the strategic plan of the organization, has left clear the importance of fortifying actions to increase the capacity of the Tax Administration for the control of international operations, criterion that turns out to be Latin American and worldwide trend.

During the days in which the activity was developed, diverse methodologies have been adopted consisting in the presentation of practical cases, group experiences, spaces for the discussion of common interest subjects and group activities to propose projects that could be addressed in a multilateral way. Very ambitious proposals have resulted which, it is hoped, to be shaped in the scope of the CIAT.

The subjects that have generated greater interest among the participants were:

  • Structural and operative aspects to implement norms on transfer pricing,
  • Recommendations and experiences to approach sectors of the economy,
  • Strategies to make specific APAs and to optimize the relation Tax Administration-taxpayer.
  • Treatment of the intragroup services and key aspects in the agreements of shared costs.

You will be able to download all documents presented in this Seminar by accessing the CIAT Library, previous registry in MyCIAT.


Participants of theSeminar on “Large Firms Taxation – Transfer Pricing”

See presentations agenda

See photo galery

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