The SRI of Ecuador and the SII of Chile met to discuss tax management and control issues within the framework of the CIAT-NORAD Cooperation Program.

The Internal Revenue Service (SII) of Chile received a technical visit from officials of the Internal Revenue Service (SRI) of Ecuador, from May 15 to 19, 2023, to learn in detail the experience of the SII on the implementation of the Tax Compliance Management Model (MGCT), its integration with the processes, the creation of tools for its management and integration of information sources, and the change management strategy applied. With this visit, the SRI takes another step towards the implementation of the MGCT with the objectives of facilitating the voluntary compliance of taxpayers and optimizing control and collection actions, among others.

This cooperation action arises as part of the specialized advice that the SII has been providing to the SRI in the framework of the project called Theoretical-Practical Methodological Support for the implementation of a new tax compliance risk management system in Ecuador, executed and financed by the Cooperation Program that CIAT maintains with the Norwegian Cooperation Agency (NORAD).

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