CIAT Executive Secretary participated in the FEBRAFITE IX National and IV International Congress

By invitation of the Brazilian Federation of Associations of State Tax Examiners – FEBRAFITE- , Mr. Marcio F. Verdi, CIAT Executive Secretary, participated in the IX National and IV International Congress held in João Pessoa, Brazil. Some 600 participants, among tax auditors from all over the country, representatives of FEBRAFITE affiliated associations and special guests were present in this event, where Mr. Verdi presented a paper on “Diagnosis of Performance of Latin American Tax Administrations – 2006/2010”.

Within the framework of this event Mr. Verdi was presented the “FEBRAFITE /State-District Treasury Order of Merit award for his significant contribution to the Brazilian Tax Administration. The FEBRAFITE Congress traditionally presents this award every two years.

Mr. Marcio dedicated this recognition to his father, Victor Raimundo Verdi, who devoted most of his professional career to the Brazilian Tax Administration, which he joined in 1965 as Income Tax Examiner.

Notes: IX National and IV International Congress

Mr. Verdi during his presentation of the “Diagnosis of Performance of Latin American Tax Administrations – 2006/2010”

View of head table.

Mr. Verdi receiving the “Comenda da Orden do Mérito FEBRAFITE/Fisco Estadual –Distrital” award.

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