The CIAT participates in the Seminar – “Sharing Information and Resources for an Effective Mutual Assistance” organized by the European Community

The CIAT Executive Secretary, Mr. Marcio Ferreira Verdi, on invitation of the European Commission, attended the meeting of the “Fiscalis 2020” Workshop on the topic “Sharing Information and Resources for an Effective Mutual Assistance” which was held on October 15 to 17, 2014, in Oporto, Portugal.

The event, organized by the European Commission, included the participation of the member countries of the European Union, officials of international organizations and special guests. During the event, Mr. Verdi made his presentation on “CIAT Public Database System”

“Fiscalis 2020” is a cooperation program of the European Union that allows national tax administrations to exchange information and experiences and supports and implements the overall fiscal policy of the Union. The program aims to contribute successfully to the 2020 Europe Strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth by strengthening the functioning of the internal market.

This is the first annual work program established by the European Parliament Regulation (EU) No. 1286/2013 and the Council, which establishes an action program to improve the operation of taxation systems in the European Union for the period 2014-2020 .

The fiscal policy in the European Union substantially contributes to the fight against tax fraud and supports revenue collection for the European Union and the budgets of the Member States. It is a key element in the efforts to strengthen the internal market of the European Union, in which the co-existence of 28 national tax systems poses problems of double taxation and distortion of competition. The Fiscalis 2020 program helps the Tax Administrations of the Member States to be fully equipped for future challenges.


Presentation – Mr. Márcio F. Verdi (CIAT)

European Commission – Fiscalis 2020

Group of participants

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