The SRI of Ecuador learns about the Mexican experience regarding advance pricing agreements within the framework of the cooperation program of the European Commission EUROsociAL II

On October 22 to 24, 2014, a team of the Internal Revenue Service of Ecuador (SRI) visited the Tax Administration Service of Mexico (SAT) to learn about the expertise developed over the years by the SAT on advance pricing agreements.

After the visit, the SRI expects to progress in drafting legislation needed to boost the process of advance pricing agreements; as well as moving forward with the development of the analysis of advance pricing agreement and prepare the necessary resolutions for the completion of requests for agreements submitted by taxpayers so far.

The exchange visit was developed as an answer to the request presented by beneficiary countries to the EURO social II program, within the framework of the action “Compliance with the tax obligations” of the “Public finance” Area, coordinated by the FIIAPP, whose operating partners are the AEAT of Spain, the IEF of Spain and CIAT.

From now on, CIAT and the members of the EUROsociAL II program will follow up the advances, requests and interests submitted by the beneficiary administrations of the program, in order to progress with new activities of support to voluntary compliance.

Photo: SRI officials with SAT experts.

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