SAT of Guatemala receives technical assistance on information sources under the CIAT-ITC Collaboration Program
Under the CIAT -ITC Collaboration Program, from June 30 to July 2, 2015, the Superintendence of Tax Administration of Guatemala (SAT) received at its headquarters the Chief of the Process and Enforcement Division of the Adjunct Operations National Superintendence SUNAT of Peru, Mr. José Luis Orellana, in order to receive assessment on the development of a work plan for enhancing the use of third parties or information sources (internal and external).
The assistance focused on assessing the current state of information systems (storage and information processing) in users’ assistance facilities, mainly in customs matters; determine the capacity of communication and links at customs, and develop a study on technology needs and appropriate recommendations.
Photo: Lic. José Luis Orellana, with a team from the SAT during the technical visit.