13 Nov 2017
  • Other News

The Revenue Administration Service – SAR of Honduras, announces the opening for a Senior Expert in infrastructure and networks for the institutional and operational strengthening project of this Tax Administration.…

2,003 total views, 3 views today

13 Nov 2017
  • Other News

The Revenue Administration Service – SAR of Honduras, announces the opening for a Senior Expert Developer for the institutional and operational strengthening project of this Tax Administration. Republic of Honduras…

1,878 total views, 2 views today

18 Jan 2017
  • Technical Assistance

On January 13, 2017, the Revenue Administration Service (SAR) of Honduras received officials of the CIAT Executive Secretariat, in order to verify progress in projects financed by the Swiss Cooperation…

25 Apr 2016
  • The Executive Secretary in the Press

The General Assembly elected the 2016 – 2017 Executive Council, which is formed as follows:   President: Councilors: Aristóteles Núñez Sánchez Mexico Alberto Abad – Argentina Luenne Gomez Pieters –…

14 Apr 2016
  • Publications

This April 7, the new Manual CIAT-GIZ-IDB-SAT on Tax Collection and Recovery (spanish only) was presented to subnational treasuries of Argentina. The presentation took place in the City of Buenos…

7 Apr 2016
  • Publications

We are glad to announce that the Spanish version of the “Manual on Tax Collection and Recovery” is now available, completed with the support of our member countries, the GIZ…

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