Andre George Dumoulin
Andre George Dumoulin
English-Spanish-French translator at CIAT since August 2011, Professor of Translation at the Universidad Latina de Panamá since 1999, holds a Master’s Degree in International Education from the University of Framingham, Massachusetts, and in Communication from The University of Liege in Belgium. He is a Belgian national, married to a Panamanian and resident in Panama since 1996.
Latests Posts
- Some events following the ratification of the climate treaty that tax administrations cannot ignore2016-10-18
- British Columbia’s2015-12-22
- “Lifting the small boats”2015-06-22
- Public Administration and the Meta-governance of hierarchies, Networks and Markets2013-11-19
- Bank Secrecy in Europe2013-06-03
- Taxation and Wikipedia2013-05-07
- Tax cultures’ shocks and lags2012-11-21