1st Meeting on the Promotion of Integrity in the Public and Private Sphere: the experience of Panama

May 19th, 2008 –  The Executive Secretariat of the National Anti-Corruption Transparency Council, the General Revenue Directorate (DGI, as per the Spanish acronym), the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) and the Panamanian Association of Business Executives (APEDE, as per the Spanish acronym) shall conduct the 1st Meeting on the Promotion of Integrity in the Public and Private Sphere: the experience of Panama, which shall be held on June 4th of 2008 at the Four Point Hotel by Sheraton in the City of Panama.
The event is focused on two objectives. First, to create awareness, and if possible, reach consensus on the need to define and implement public policies, aimed at strengthening integrity in the management of public and private institutions, based on the application of the ethical principles and the lessons learned and best practices identified by the representatives of the public, private, economic and social actors. The second objective seeks to highlight the importance of the Tax Administration in the economic and social development, in the framework provided by the public policies vis-à-vis economic issues and public finances.

This meeting is aimed at senior executives from local and international state organizations; representatives from business associations, universities, and directors of civil society associations or organizations.

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