Innovations for the 50th anniversary of the Receita Federal

On 20 and 21 November, on occasion of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Receita Federal (Federal Revenue) Secretariat of Brazil, an international seminar was held and some important new services and products using intensive technology were officially launched. The opening day of the international seminar, on November 21, had the participation of none other than the Secretary of the Federal Revenue Secretariat of Brazil, Jorge Antonio Rachid; the Executive Secretary of CIAT, Marcio F. Verdi; the Secretary General of the WCO, Kunio Mikuriya; and the Director of the OECD Center for Tax Policy and Administration, Pascal Saint-Amans.

The new products and services are varied in purpose and benefits:

  • Receita na Palma da Mão (Receita in the palm of the hand)
    Allows access to the virtual services of the Receita from mobile devices, using a digital certificate in the cloud for a secure access validity with a simplified method.

    • Artificial intelligence application, including machine learning to identify patterns of behavior in the large volumes of information from the SPED, particularly the electronic invoicing.

      • Implementation of a Data Lake for the Receita Federal, with adjunction of large volumes of structured and unstructured data from various sources, for their efficient access.

        • Implementation of facial recognition programs in passenger arrivals, which together with the facial recognition and risk management data from other sources of the Receita Federal and other agencies can identify the passengers “of interest”. This implementation will improve the capacity and control procedures to fight smuggling while at the same time improving the customs control process at the arrival of international passengers.

          • Mobile apps
            “Meu Imposto Renda” mobile application that complements and transmit the declaration of income tax from your mobile device, allowing you to record draft for later shipment. Additionally, the application can display outstanding resulting from the management process tax meshes.
            Application for the consultation of the individual income tax refunds. Application for the issuance of the second path of CPF credential.
            Micro Entrepreneur Individual. Application for the Individual micro entrepreneur that allows the generation of the DAS / MEI payment guide
            Importer. Application to accompany the import declarations and simulation of tax and administrative purposes of importation.

          Finally, and the fundamental reason for this post, was the launch of bCPF a private blockchain, with permissions, based on ethereum, to share the update of CPF (Cadastro de Pessoa Física – Individual registry) the tax identification, which in Brazil is needed for practical purposes, as a national identifier. The chain can register in the blocks, in which each CPF update is a smart contract.

          The Chain nodes, currently 7, are distributed in Dataprev, in partnership with the Receita in this development, and the Receita Federal itself. In addition to the Receita, the Justice Council is already in a pilot project. A term of 6 months is expected for the migration of current existing agreements for the exchange of information with different bodies and agencies of the various entities of the Federation, including those tax administrations of the states (27 when including the Federal District) and municipalities (more than 5000).

          In the implementation of the smart contracts, three types of roles are expected, controlled by their addresses: the first, only for consumption and data query; the second, to provide new data associated with a record; and the third is to modify an existing data.

          The advantages associated with the implementation of this service via blockchain, rather than exchange information agreements are enormous. Two of them that I underscore are the guarantee that the data are the same for everyone, totally ensuring the traceability of any changes; they significantly lower the cost for the different actors to access and synchronize the databases; and greater resilience to technological changes of the different actors of those agreements. The resolution that enables the process can be consulted here.

          What a great way to celebrate! Happy Birthday, Receita Federal.

          Greetings and Godspeed.

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