E-Invoicing Exchange Summit 2019

In 2018, CIAT began a new partnership with the Exchange Summit, in the capacity of “Media Partner”.

Exchange Summit is an international event focused on electronic invoicing. This annual event is traditional in Europe. Exchange Summit Americas took place for the first time in 2016.

CIAT has participated as guest speaker in the editions of: Orlando, in May 2017, Barcelona, in October of 2017, and in Miami, in May 2018, represented by Vinicius Pimentel de Freitas, who on those occasions presented a vision on electronic invoicing in Latin America, from the point of view of the Tax Administrations.

Exchange Summit Americas 2019 will take place in Miami, on May 13 and 15, with the theme “E-Invoicing/E-Billing: Accelerator for Digitization“, and CIAT will be represented again by Vinicius Pimentel de Freitas. He will be one of the participants in the main debate of the event, “What Should Be the Next Steps for Truly Global Interoperability?” with representatives of organizations from America and Europe.

For more information, interested participants may contact:
Alexandra Bayer info@vereon.ch

All information about the Miami event is available at the Website of the event

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