Alfredo Collosa

I am from Argentina, I’ve been virtual tutor of CIAT since 2008, participating in the module IV Tax Administration of the diploma in taxation, from January 2009 to date. I am a CIAT and IMF consultant in tax administration topics, and also a university and postgraduate professor, speaker and blogger on tax topics.

By training, I am a Certified Public Accountant and have a degree in Business Administration; in addition, I have a Master in Public Finances and Tax Administration, with a major in taxation. I am coordinator for Latin America of the Network of former students from the Master in Public Finances and Tax Administration. Researcher on the topic Digitalization of Tax Administrations in the European Union – Jean Monnet Project.

I am official of AFIP since 1990, currently I work as a head of Revision and Resources.

I am author of 8 books and more than 180 publications on tax topics.

I have participated in numerous courses, among other the course on institutions and tax techniques (Madrid), IEF International Taxation, international Tax Law (Barcelona), the CIAT 2016 edition of the Transfer Pricing course, seminar on collections and recovery – Cartagena – CIAT, Symposium on tax reform- Chile – Seminar of analysis of registry San Cruz de la Sierra – CIAT, Seminar on Transfer Pricing (Montevideo).


Since 1990, I work at the Tax Administration of Argentina and I always relate my activities to teaching. For this reason, since 2008 I am a CIAT Tutor, at in charge of the Tax Administration Module of the Taxation Course, and of the Diploma in Taxation.

The experience during these 10 years is very enriching, first for allowing me to meet officials from other Tax Administrations and, later, for sharing knowledge with them, having concluded that the problems that we face are similar in all the Tax Administrations, and therefore the interaction is extremely positive.

Particularly the part of the course where we see greater interaction are the four debate forums where we try to address current issues on which we share opinions, and the debate help us to learn from each other. Among other topics, we discussed the TAs’ autonomy, the privatization of TAs’ functions, the remuneration of civil servants and the administrative career.

Finally, I had the opportunity, during this year 2016, to take the CIAT course of Transfer Pricing as a student, which was also an extremely positive experience that allowed me to not only to broaden my knowledge on the topic but also to interact as a student in the course, and thereby also enriching my experience for future tutoring.

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