Auditors Program 3ª Edition
Auditors Program 3ed.
This course seeks to acquire knowledge and competencies; the skills, aptitudes and attitudes that are necessary for planning, organizing and carrying out audits within the Tax Administration in order to potentially increase tax revenues collected.

General Information
When: July 04, 2022 to September 24, 2023.
Modality: virtual.
Duration: 56 weeks and 380 academic’s hours.
Target audience: for medium high and/or high level officials in the audit and examination areas of the tax administrations; as well as for economists, accountants, managers, attorneys and other professionals holding the position or functions of tax auditor.
Language: Spanish.
Registration Deadline: May 27, 2022. Online registrations are closed.

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Zoom, is the tool to perform synchronous sessions.

The course includes the following lessons:
- Public Ethics (public ethics, rules of conduct, corruption, among others)
- Tax Administration (tax systems, collection macro-process, tax models, etc.)
- Fundamentals of Law (introduction to tax law, internal taxes, types of taxes, simplified systems, tax violation, avoidance, evidentiary law, among others)
- Accounting Processes (TIN, financial analysis, etc.)
- Social Security Taxation
- Information Technology for auditors (computerized tools, electronic commerce, investigation, among others)
- Managerial Skills (communication skills, leadership, strategic thinking, conflicts solution, etc.)
- Customs Taxation and Foreign Trade (tax and customs systems, tax base, INCOTERM,smuggling, foreign trade, etc.)
- International Taxation (international treaties, international contracts, BEPS, transfer pricing, information exchange, among others)
- Control processes in auditing (analysis, evaluation and selection, examination macro-process, NIA, working papers, investigation methods, computerized auditing, types of audit,among others)