BEPS Monitoring by CIAT – Recent developments regarding BEPS Action 13 in the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica

Through the enactment of Decree 256-21 (Art. 4), the Dominican Republic fully adopts the recommendations of Action 13 of the BEPS Action Plan, imposing the obligation to submit the Country-by-Country Report,  Master File and Local File. General Regulation 08-2021 establishes the content of the Country-by-Country Report and formal aspects related to this information system.

Similarly, Costa Rica, had adopted all of the recommendations of Action 13 since 2017. This year, it received information exchanged from other jurisdictions for the first time. Likewise, the General Directorate of Taxation formed a working team with the purpose of reviewing the existing legislation related to the CbCR to identify opportunities for improvement and define the administrative procedures related to the submission, reception, use and safekeeping of this information. This work is carried out in stages consisting of a review of the regulations, analysis of the information and the establishment of risk sheets. Parallel to these stages, the necessary IT solutions are developed.

Consult our BEPS Monitoring database, available in CIATData, to learn more about these updates and the situation of the countries in the region in relation to the adoption of BEPS.

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