Bring your app; leave your tie

One month ahead of our Technology Meeting

Last January, on two posts in this Blog, one from Socorro, and another mine, we announced our first CIAT Technology Meeting that will take place on October 10 to 12, in Miami. We discussed the reasons that led us to undertake this effort, which I must confess was somehow risky, aimed at creating a space of contact between our tax administrations and private companies that develop technology solutions.

Almost everything is ready. The hotel is reserved. The scheduled sponsors and exhibitors have their stands. The technical program is closed; while there can always be a change or two, due to last-minute unforeseen contingencies. Many of the participants already have registered; if you have not made it yet, you still have the opportunity to do it on the site of the event. Remember that this is an open event and the registration is available to all, but physically the quotas are limited and, as a show promoter would say on the radio some years ago… not many slots remain available.

One of the elements also ready from now on is our application for mobile devices. This includes sections with access to the event program, to the profile of the speakers (with access to contact data, including those of networks as twitter and LinkedIn). It includes the map of the hotel area in Miami; the interactive map of the hotel and the rooms; access to the mentioned tweets with hashtags #ciatevents and #CIATTECH16 as well as the references to our corporate account of @ciatorg.

The application also contains a section for accompanying the sequence of activities. This  enable all the users to share news and messages for all the participants, such as impressions on the event, photos on our participation at the relevant time and, particularly, to send comments and questions during the development of the conferences and panels, which will be moderated by the MC during the questions and answers period following each session. Of course, the application allows evaluating the usefulness of each presentation after it concluded.

We invite you to download it and accompany our meeting from now, even if you are not going to participate to the event in Miami. It can be downloaded from mobile applications stores using CIAT as keyword or following these links for Apple and Google.

As we had anticipated, this event differs from those that the CIAT organizes traditionally, in particular from the General Assemblies and the Technical Conferences. In the first place, this event is not organized by a Tax Administration or a member country, and as a result, it has fewer resources. Therefore, in good measure, it has to be partly self-financed by the participants. Nevertheless, we hope that the lack of assistance in areas such as reception or transfers between the airport to the hotel will be somewhat compensated with this excellent news, for me at least: the expected outfit is “business casual” and therefore a great opportunity to let the dark suits at home, along with ties and high heels.

Good luck.

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Disclaimer. Readers are informed that the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author's employer, organization, committee or other group the author might be associated with, nor to the Executive Secretariat of CIAT. The author is also responsible for the precision and accuracy of data and sources.


  1. Luis Cremades Reply

    Mucha suerte Raúl. Qué pena no poder acompañaros. Seguro que es un éxito y una experiencia a repetir para la Comunidad CIAT. Nuevos tiempos, nuevos retos y el trabajo e ilusión de siempre. Un fuerte abrazo

  2. Rick Reply

    Excelente gracias!

  3. Luiz Gonzaga V. Leite Reply

    Excelente, muito bom a iniciativa de fazer o encontro. Os problemas devem ser comuns para todos e é importante trocar experiências para desenvolver nossas AATT e atingir o nosso maior objetivo de prestar um bom serviço para a comunidade de nossos países.

  4. Hipolito Salgado Reply

    Felictaciones y deseos de exitos en el evento.

  5. Nelsi Ramírez Reply

    Excelente, a descargar el App y esperemos poder ver el desarrollo de las conferencias y paneles

  6. Logan Reply

    This is so exciting Raul. Ataf is sending 5 people. Hopefully u will have a moment to meet them. I’m gonna check out and follow on the app. Logan

  7. Kirk Douglas Zerillo García. Reply

    Buen día a todos.Felicitaciones.“Debemos equilibrar nuestro deseo de continuidad con nuestro deseo de creatividad” (Peter Senge – “La Quinta Disciplina”)“Un espacio y lugar para que un líder político deguste de lo que es lo mejor que se lograría perfeccionar y para que un administrador tributario comprenda el mejor modo de realizarlo”.

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