CIAT 2024 Technical Conference

CIAT 2024 Technical Conference
Avoidance and general anti-abuse rules: casuistry and tax justice
Lima, Perú, October 15 – 17, 2024
Presentations in PDF format and video of the main topics to be discussed during the CIAT Technical Conference, as included in the technical program of the event. These can be consulted through the links indicating the available languages.
Peru (ES)
SUBTOPIC 1 Legal aspects of general anti-abuse rules (GAAR)
Session 1.1: Design of general anti-abuse standards (GAAR)
Design and effective application of general anti-avoidance rules |
Recommendations and good practices. – CIAT (ES)
Design and Effective Application of GAARs: A New Toolkit. – University of Exeter (EN)
Interaction between GAAR, specific anti-abuse rules and transfer pricing – Chile (ES)(EN)
Implementation of the GAAR in the common law legal system and the interaction with specific antiavoidance rules and transfer pricing – Canada (ES)(EN)
SUBTOPIC 2: Design of procedures for the effective implementation of general anti-abuse rules (GAAR).
Session 2.1: Risk assessment as an essential mechanism for the effective application of general anti-abuse rules
Challenges involved in adopting a risk-based management approach – Peru (ES)(EN)
Sources of information critical control procedures to identify cases of avoidance and evasion – USA (EN)
Tax transparency and mutual administrative assistance to tackle tax evasion and avoidance – Global Forum (ES)(EN)
Session 2.2: Good practices for the objective application of GAAR
Critical aspects to take into account for the objective implementation of GAAR versus aggressive tax planning – BID (ES)
GAAR, a panacea for all? – FMI (ES)(EN)
CONFIA: Cooperative Tax Compliance Program of Receita Federal do Brasil – Brasil (ES)
Application and management of information received under BEPS Action 12 | Portuguese Experience – AT&A Portugal (ES)(EN)(PO)
SUBTOPIC 3: Effective communication to ensure that GAAR is applied as a last resort
Session 3.1: Strategies and mechanisms for communication with a preventive approach
Design of communication strategies and mechanisms based on transparency – BID (ES)
Catalog of High Tax Risk Schemes – Peru (ES)
Publishing elusive cases: Spanish experience – AEAT (ES)
Session 3.2: Success stories and case law involving GAAR
Analysis of Companies that Invoice Simulated Operations. Irregular tax behavior – Costa Rica (ES)
Success stories and case law involving the GAAR in Canada – Canada (ES)(EN)
Lessons and recommendations for the application of the GAAR – UNDP (ES)
SUBTOPIC 4: Challenges for tax administrations in implementing GAAR
Session 4.1: Implementation of domestic GAAR and the impact on tax compliance
Implementation of domestic General Anti-Abuse Rule “GAAR” and the impact on tax compliance – Paraguay (ES)
General Anti-Abuse Rules in India
US State GAAR and Technologies in Use – FTA (EN)