CIAT, Italy’s Guardia di Finanza (GDF), the World Bank and GAFILAT join forces to address control of illicit financial flows
On October 28, 2024, under the auspices of CIAT, the GDF, the World Bank and GAFILAT, a workshop on the control of illicit financial flows was held at the headquarters of the Economic-Financial Police School of the GDF.
This workshop was attended by Mr. Yara Esquivel (World Bank Senior Financial Sector Specialist), Mr. Gonzalo Arias (CIAT Director of International Cooperation and Taxation) and Mr. Esteban Fullin (GAFILAT Executive Secretary), who gave presentations on asset recovery, international cooperation and illicit financial flows; CIAT’s actions aimed at controlling tax fraud and illicit financial flows; and the situation of Latin American countries as a result of GAFILAT’s evaluations. This was followed by a round table discussion on the challenges of asset recovery, international inter-agency cooperation, single government approach and money laundering convictions.
This activity has led to conclusions that could lead to future cooperation actions in Latin America and the Caribbean to address the issues discussed in greater detail.
The CIAT Executive Secretariat thanks the partners in this activity for their cooperation.