CIAT participated in the first China and Latin America Forum on Taxation

The First Forum of China and Latin American countries on taxation was held in Guangzhou, China, on November 12-14, 2018, organized by the University of Economics and Finance of Guandong, the Moreno University of Argentina and the IEFPA of Argentina.

The Forum focused on various issues related to tax policy and administration, focusing on international taxation, the application of technology to tax management processes and the relationship between the tax administration and large companies.

This activity was a first step in the framework of a line of exchange between China and Latin America. The next meeting will be held in Argentina in the month of November 2019.

On behalf of CIAT, the Director of International Cooperation and Taxation, Gonzalo Arias, presented the actions of the institution in the field of cooperation, the progress of the international taxation network and the results of the regional monitoring carried out by CIAT on the evolution of the BEPS Action Plan. For his part, Francisco Beiner, CIAT Director of Operations and Institutional Management participated in the round table on the relationship between the treasury and large companies, commenting on the key aspects to consider for improving the level of confidence and the certainty of both parties.

The Forum has been an enriching experience for the representatives of Chinese and Latin American organizations, having tax experts, tax administration officials, university students, representatives of universities and representatives of Chinese multinational companies that are providers of software to support the tax management.

We reiterate our gratitude to the organizers of this event and especially to the University of Economics and Finance for the invitation to CIAT.


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