CIAT participated in the IOTA International Conference on Tax Governance and Data Security

The Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations (IOTA), in close cooperation and support with the National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary,  held the 2nd Annual International Conference, allowing the debate on ensuring confidentiality of taxpayer data in Budapest, Hungary, on November 8 – 9, 2017.

Márcio F. Verdi was the speaker on Ethics in the Tax Administration presenting the Latin American perspective and the way CIAT is working with its member countries through the Permanent Committee of Ethics.

Some of the governance lessons learned by tax administrations in advanced economies, including those on how to meet an adequate level of privacy, security and the protection of data, can provide guidance (or at least food for thought) as other countries begin reforming tax information and data privacy functions within the tax administration.

Representatives from regional and international organisations, business sector, academia and civil society were invited to discuss and seek for the ways to achieve the effective protection of privacy and security of data held by tax administrations.

The IOTA Conference explored the ways for sustaining a fair and sound interaction between tax administration and society/stakeholders, and how tax administrations can best meet taxpayer expectations and provide assurance of the confidentiality of tax information.

Information: 2nd Annual International Conference of IOTA – Tax Governance and Data Security

Source: IOTA

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