CIAT participated in the fourth Central American Forum on Finance and Investments

On May 31, 2018, the fourth Central American Forum on Finance and Investments was held in Panama City, under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Panama (MEF), of Citibank and various public and private organizations.

The objective of the meeting was to create a favorable space for governmental authorities and the financial sector to discuss relevant aspects of the international and regional agenda, including the economic situation of the Central American countries, tax transparency, and the development of financial markets, energy infrastructure, and flow of investment towards the main Central American industries, among others.

On this occasion, CIAT has participated as a member of the panel entitled “Advances in financial and tax transparency in Central America”. The panel was moderated by Mr. Taimur Ahmad, CEO of LatinFinance and composed of Carlos Troetsch, President of the Banking Association of Panama, Raúl Gasteazoro, MEF Technical Secretary, Gustavo Adolfo Villa, General Secretary of the Banking Superintendence of Panama, and Isaac Gonzalo Arias Esteban, CIAT Director of International Cooperation and Taxation.

Within the framework of this panel, Panama’s advances in tax transparency and international cooperation were highlighted, as well as the regional and global challenges to advance in this field of ​​action that is so relevant in the current context.

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