CIAT participates in the Sub-group on State Development, Tax and Assistance of the International Initiative “Task Force on Tax and Development”

The annual meeting of the sub-group on state development, tax and assistance took place on February 7-8, 2012, at the OECD Headquarters located in Paris.

After more than two years of inauguration of the initiative “Task Force on Tax and Development” integrated by several international organizations with focus on policy and tax administration, representatives of different scopes of governments of Africa, America, Europe and Asia, ONGs interested in tax topics and diverse representatives of the civil society, they have met to discuss critical issues related to the role of the governments and the international community in the development of tax administration policies.

Among the critical topics that were discussed are management of tax incentives, increase of transparency levels, commitment of the international community in tax development, progress achieved in ethics and tax education, and actions by international organizations and the civil society to address needs in the tax scope.

According to the comments by Mr. Socorro Velazquez (Planning and Institution Development Director) and Gonzalo Arias (International Taxation and Cooperation Manager), who have participated as CIAT representatives, this meeting has been of great value, not only for the possibility of presenting present and future actions in the international cooperation scope for the development of tax administrations, but also for the opportunity to be able to identify common interests with organizations active in the same regions, which will allow to move forward in joint coordinated actions for the benefit of the CIAT member countries .

Finally, in the last panel, the main conclusions and steps to follow were briefly presented in order to obtain results in the discussed areas, which will be made available in the next days by the Secretariat of the initiative “Task Force on Tax and Development” for their consultation.

Photo: Participants in the meeting of the Sub-group on State Development, Tax and Assistance of the International Initiative “Task Force on Tax and Development”

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