A few days ago, my colleague and friend at the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), Francisco Beiner, known as “Pancho,” retired after more than 30 years of service in this institution. He also had an important career within the Tax Administration of his country, Chile. For me, sharing the…

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Digital transformation, professionalization of the public administration, and greater international tax cooperation are driving the creation of a second mission within tax administrations beyond traditional tax control: the data agency. This new stage of institutional evolution of the TA is the topic we address in the study Quo vadis, administración…

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Understanding better the impacts of emerging industries and businesses resulting from response measures to mitigate climate change, with a view to maximizing their positive effects and minimizing their negative ones. [1] This second part of our blog keeps presenting a list of emerging technologies, industries and businesses. Many of them…

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No, this isn’t a Nolan movie where we dream that we dream that we dream. There’s simply no other way to acknowledge Francisco Beiner’s more than thirty years of dedication and commitment to CIAT, particularly to the Executive Secretariat.   In 1992, as a project manager, he, and I as…

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The objective of this blog is to better understand the impacts of emerging industries and businesses resulting from response measures to mitigate climate change, with a view to maximizing their positive effects and minimizing their negative ones. [1] We present here an annotated list of emerging technologies, industries and businesses,…

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1. Methodology The studies to solve the problem of this study began in 2019. On the occasion, the Fiscal Intelligence Unit had a machine and a visual tool with 2 GB RAM memory. The processing time was one week. The current solution represents an evolution. It was developed in a…

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