Closing seminar of the IX edition of the International Master on Tax Administration and Public Finance

The opening ceremony of the closing seminar of the IX Edition of the international master in tax administration and public finance took place last June 26, 2013 in Madrid at the Fiscal Studies Institute headquarters.

The welcoming words were pronounced by D. Manuel Díaz Corral, Director of the Public Finance School and Member of the Masters Board of directors. Next, Mr. José Manuel Guirola López, UNED Professor of applied economics took the floor, followed by Mr. Fernando Díaz Yubero, Academic Director of the master’s Degrees and Member of the Masters in Taxation Board of directors (AEAT); D. Fernando Rojas Urtasun, Deputy Director General of Intervention, Control and legal analysis in other financial Areas (IGAE); D. Ricardo Cospedal Garcia, Deputy Director of the CEDDET Foundation; and D. Marcio Verdi, CIAT Executive Secretary.

Subsequently the CIAT Executive Secretary, Mr. Marcio. F. Verdi, gave a lecture on “the main services provided by CIAT to the tax administrations in Latin America.

View from the main table: Mr. Marcio F. Verdi addresses the participants.


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