Course of “Introduction to Public Management: a Custom and Tax Administration specialty”

When: September to December, 2019.
Modality: blended.
Contact: Training Coordination 
Telephone: +507 3072440
e-mail: o
It is a training program which is joined only by invitation; for more information, please contact the Human Resources and/or Training area of your tax administration.

The course is organized by the Institute of Fiscal Studies, the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations and the Regional Technical Assistance Center of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), CAPTAC-DR, which also counts with the collaboration of World Customs Organization-WCO, the Spanish Cooperation Agency-AECID and the Inter-American Development Bank-IDB.

Objective: Facilitate the necessary basic training for managing a modern Tax Administration, focused on promoting voluntary compliance. Reinforcement of the managerial function is a crucial element for the development of the Tax Administrations of the area. The Course thus allows for combining efforts to promote the professionalization of the directors of the Latin American tax administrations.

Offered language: Spanish

Audience: 35 executives of the tax administrations of Latin America.


Professors: the selection of professors and other people in charge of the preparation of the teaching material will be carried out by the IEF, the CIAT and CAPTAC-DR / IMF for which there will be collaboration and participation of the IMF, the WCO, AEAT, the UNED and the IDB.

Date of course: the course will be held from September 11, to November 24, 2019.

Date of Seminar: the seminar will be held from December 09 to 13, 2019.

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