Course on Tax Code 5ª Edition

When: March 09, 2020 through August 02, 2020.
Cost: USD460.00 dollars Tax Officials and USD560.00 dollars general public
Contact: Training coordinator
Phone: +507 3072440 |  +507 3072427
e-mail: and
Online Registration Closed.

Once the inscriptions have been completed, a formal message has been sent confirming the registration and the time, in the case of the tax officials they have sent us a letter to the tax administration requesting the validation of their registration. Then, the registration fee will be charged. It is important that if no course has been taken with CIAT, the requirements were sent to

Objective: Aims to provide participants with an up-to-date knowledge of the General Part of the Tax Law (material, procedural and sanctioning), allowing them to know modern trends in the matter, through the guidance of a recent model such as the CIAT Tax Code Model.

Language offered: Spanish

Target audience: Is aimed at medium-high-level and / or high-level officials of the tax administrations with capacity for decision-making, responsible for the design of tax policies and their strategic implementation. Private sector lawyers, administrative litigation judges and tax courts officials in Latin America may also participate.

Duration: 20 weeks

Content: The course is composed of the following lessons:
Lesson 1. Basic Concepts
Lesson 2. Constitutional Principles
Lesson 3. Principles of Interpretation and Application of Taxes
Lesson 4. The Substantial Tax Relations – Part 1
Lesson 5. The Substantial Tax Relations – Part 2
Lesson 6. The Substantial Tax Relations – Part 3
Lesson 7. Actuations and Procedures of Tax Application – Part 1
Lesson 8. Actuations and Procedures of Tax Application – Part 2
Lesson 9. Function of Information and Assistance
Lesson 10. Management Procedures
Lesson 11. Audit Procedures
Lesson 12. Collection Procedures
Lesson 13. Tax Infractions and Sanctions – Part 1
Lesson 14. Tax Infractions and Sanctions – Part 2
Lesson 15. Tax Infractions and Sanctions – Part 3
Lesson 16. Procedures for Revision of Tax Acts

The requirements to participate in our courses are:

– Identity
– University graduate or postgraduate
– In the case of public agents, a certificate issued by the Human Resources indicating their status within the Administration.

The payment must be realized by means of bank transference and credit cards (VISA and MasterCard).
It is important to mention that the costs do not include the applicable taxes in every national legislation; from what the participants it must assume the taxes and bank charges which one incurs at the time of realizing the payment.

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