Cuca Sacristan Sanchez

I am Spanish, licensed in Geography and History at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. I have studied for various Master Degrees: “International relations” (Diplomatic School, Min. of Foreign Affairs of Spain); “International Economy, Foreign Trade and International Marketing” (Centro de Estudios Superiores, Fundación San Pablo CEU); “Political and institutional communication” (Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset); and “Ethics and Public Policy” (Royal University College Maria Cristina-Universidad Complutense of Madrid). Additionally I have taken a course of “Expert in Social Ethics” (UNED Fundation and European Foundation for the study and reflection on Ethics).

I have held various positions in companies and Spanish foundations.

I am currently consultant for the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) in Ethics and author and teacher of the course of “Tax ethics and Fiscal Citizenship”.

I published, with the Foundation Engagement and transparency the document “Tax and transparency. Report of transparency and fiscal responsibility of Ibex-35 companies “.


In 2011 I started my work as a tutor of the virtual course “Tax ethics and fiscal citizenship”, of which have already been 6 editions.

It is a wonderful teaching experience and the CIAT platform, being so versatile, allows many and varied formats and possibilities for contact and interaction with the students.

Students may schedule training activities at their convenience and virtual tool facilitates the conciliation between work, personal life and training.

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