Establishment of the Network of Tax Organizations – NTO

During the third day of CIAT’s 52nd General Assembly that took place in Ottawa, Canada during 15-17 May 2018, the Network of Tax Organizations (NTO) was established by the signing of its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by members of NTO. The creation of this organization was headed by the International Tax Compact (ITC) who is also a signatory to the MOU.

The NTO is a network of regional and international organizations of revenue administrations created to provide a forum for cooperation and coordination between member organizations to strengthen tax administrations through peer learning and the sharing of experiences as well as through the provision of services, products and information. The NTO also aims at ensuring representation of their members’ interests in the various international fora and discussions.

Enhanced cooperation in the framework of the NTO strengthens institutional capacities in the Secretariats of member organizations and enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of their respective resources.

The nine members of the NTO are the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), the Association of Tax Authorities of Islamic Countries (ATAIC), the Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA), the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), the Caribbean Organization of Tax Administrators (COTA), the Center for Exchange and Studies of Tax Administration Leaders (CREDAF), the Intra-European Organization of Tax Administrations (IOTA), the Pacific Islands Tax Administrators Association (PITAA), and the West African Tax Administration Forum (WATAF).

During the afternoon of the May 17th a panel composed of the Secretariats from ATAF, CIAT, CATA, IOTA and WATAF discussed the importance of this collaborative initiative and what tax administration areas will have priority. Among these, the group agreed that development of tax administration human resources was a priority. In particular, the group discussed what would be appropriate vehicles for training.

During the week the Secretariats met and by consensus appointed CIAT Executive Secretary Márcio F. Verdi as its first Head of Council for a one-year period. The CIAT organization takes great pride in this appointment and welcomes the opportunity to work together with other important organizations.

At the closing ceremony of the General Assembly the MOU was signed by present Secretariats and ITC representatives. It was an event filled with great emotion and enthusiasm since the network has been in discussion for some time now. For sure the catalyst for the culmination of the MOU was the support from ITC and the excellent peer relationship developed by current Secretariats. In its recent strategic planning meeting the NTO Secretariats set out an ambitious agenda that will serve as a roadmap for future collaborative initiatives.

Vista general del Panel NTO/ General view of the NTO Panel.

Vista general del panel NTO/ General view of the NTO Panel.

La génesis de la NTO: Reunión de Secretarios Ejecutivos de COTA, CIAT, AATA, CATA y SGATAR en Manila, Filipinas. Febrero de 1988 / Genesis of the NTO: Meeting of Executive Secretaries of COTA, CIAT, AATA, CATA and SGATAR in Manila, Philippines. February 1988.

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