Corresponds to annual international meetings and periodic institutional meetings of the Center.

General Assemblies

Technical Conference

Executive Council Meeting

Meeting of Correspondents

Our activities are aimed at improving the levels of professionalization of the tax administration officials, through the design and implementation of training programs in response to the needs and requirements of said administrations.

See training programs

The objective of these activities is to facilitate the exchange of experiences on issues of tax policy and administration. In the cooperative spirit of CIAT, these activities tend to be coordinated with strategic partners.

See seminars, workshops and forums

Networks are groups of like-minded professionals in their area of expertise that perform in tax administrations or other related areas and join their efforts to achieve results in different forms.

Our networks have as objectives:

To share experiences.

Define topics of common interest.

Identify common problems to search on joint solutions.

Develop documents and tools of support.

To provide short-term technical assistance.

Provide answers to queries.

Promote technical exchanges.

See Networks



News related

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  • The Executive Secretary in the Press

The Technical Conference of the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), focused on the theme “Best practices to reduce tax evasion within the framework of international taxation,” reached its conclusion on…

  • Events
  • Featured
  • The Executive Secretary in the Press

On October 25, 2023, in the city of Quito, Ecuador, the inauguration of the CIAT Technical Conference on “Best Practices for Reducing Tax Evasion in the Context of International Taxation”…

  • Events
  • Working Missions

From 7 to 8 September 2023, an international meeting was held in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, to strengthen the electronic invoicing in Bolivia. This event was jointly promoted…

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CIAT Members

Representatives, Correspondent and Authorized staff (TA)