CIAT 2024 Technical Conference successfully concluded in Lima, Peru

On October 17, 2024, the CIAT Technical Conference was successfully concluded, which addressed the central theme: “Avoidance and general anti-abuse rules: casuistry and tax justice. The event was sponsored by the National Superintendency of Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT) of Peru and was attended by delegations from CIAT member countries, international organizations and other invited nations, in face-to-face format.

During the three-day conference, attendees had the opportunity to exchange experiences and best practices, strengthen cooperation between tax administrations and update their knowledge on anti-abuse policies.

See more information at:

Website-CIAT (Presentations, technical program, photo gallery among others)
and Technical Conference 2024 website.

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 See all photos – Day 1

 See all photos – Day 2

 See all photos – Day 3

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