Executive Secretary meets with the State Secretary of Finance of Spain, the General Director of the Tax Agency and the Director of the Institute of Fiscal Studies

In a mission held on July 24 and 25, 2017, Mr. Márcio F. Verdi held several meetings in Madrid with fiscal and tax authorities involved in the Technical Cooperation Agreement between CIAT and Spain.
In the third year of execution of the agreement currently in force, both parties are considering the preparation of a new and broader agreement for the direct benefit of the Latin American member countries of CIAT, for the term to be determined, as of June 2018.

Pie de foto: Reunión con el Secretario de Estado de Hacienda, don José Enrique Fernández de Moya Romero – Meeting with the State Secretary of Finance, Mr. José Enrique Fernández de Moya Romero.
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