Federal Revenue of Brazil (RFB) offers solutions at the largest IT event in the world.

With the e-Process, or SPED / Electronic Invoice and the Program Generator of income tax statement, the RFB is participating in the biggest event of information technology in the world. It is the CeBIT, the Center for Business Automation, Telecommunications and Information Technologies 2012 in Hannover, Germany.

This year the Cebit chose Brazil as a country theme, with the title in die Brasilien investiert in die Zukunft, “Brazil invests in the future.” The Fair was inaugurated by the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, accompanied by the president Dilma Roussef and their ministers.

More than 80 Brazilian technology companies were present. The RFB is one of the key exhibitors, with a proposal to interest the world companies in Brazilian solutions.

The event is also an opportunity for the RFB to prospect information technology especially in the main theme of this year’s CeBIT: Trust Management.

On Wednesday (03.07), the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Germany met the Brazilian workflow solution for the tax administrative processes represented by the e-Process presented by Marcelo de Sousa, and expressed interest in exploring the topic.

The 8/3, Carlos Oda and Ronald Cesar Thompson presented at the open conference the SPED solutions / Electronic Invoice, and the Income Tax Statement Generator Program, respectively.


Flávio Antonio Araújo

Nilton Tadeu Nogueira

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