III LAC Forum about Tax Policy

The Third LAC (Latin America and Caribbean) Forum on Tax Policy was held on July 4 and 5, in Montevideo, Uruguay. This meeting was jointly organized by IDB, ECLAC, CIAT and OECD and sponsored by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the General Directorate of Taxation of Uruguay. The Minister of Economy and Finance of Uruguay, Mr. Fernando Lorenzo, inaugurated the meeting.

The purpose of the LAC initiative is to promote the dialogue on tax policy in the region, with a view to facilitating the mobilization of national resources through improvements in tax policies and public expenditure. This year the forum was focused on sharing the practical experiences of the Latin American countries in the use of taxation as a tool for reducing inequality.

CIAT was represented by the Director of Tax Studies and Research, Miguel Pecho, the Statistics and Data Base Coordinator, Julio Alberto López and the Head of the Permanent Mission of Spain before CIAT, Luis Cremades, who represented the Kingdom of Spain. Together with the consultant Byron Vásconez, Mr. Pecho participated in the V session of the program which dealt with Taxation of small businesses and inequality, and made an advance presentation on the Measurement of Transaction Costs in Small and Medium-sized Businesses in Latin America, project developed within the framework of the Cooperation Program signed between CIAT and UN-DESA (FfDO).

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