International seminar: “Integrated Model of Management and Innovation for Tax Administration”

The Internal Revenue Service of Ecuador (SRI) in collaboration with the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) has held an international seminar on “Integrated Models of Management and Innovation in the Tax Administrations “in Quito, Ecuador, on September 26 and 27.

The purpose of this seminar was to learn and share the best practices used by tax administrations regarding the comprehensive and systematic management of organizational strategy, from a perspective of continuous innovation. In that sense, experts from tax administrations and academics from Brazil, Chile, Korea, Spain and Ecuador shared their knowledge and the successful experiences of their countries with approximately 90 participants from the Internal Revenue Service and other public sector institutions of Ecuador, as well as tax administrations of Nicaragua, Peru and Uruguay. For his part, Mr. Raul Zambrano, CIAT Director of Technical Assistance and Information Technology, spoke about the model information management (life cycle and related issues) and the future vision of information technologies.

This activity was developed under the Training Program for the SRI officials of Ecuador, under the auspices of the Center for Fiscal Studies.


Raúl Zambrano, CIAT Technical Assistance and Information Technology and Communication Director. Carlos Oda, expert from the Secretariat of Federal Revenues of Brazil.

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