International Tax Innovation Meeting in Brazil: Guatemala and Brazil Exchange Experiences in Electronic Invoicing

From October 30 to 31, 2023, in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, an important international meeting on tax innovation took place. The Superintendency of Tax Administration of Guatemala (SAT) and the State Revenue (RS) of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, met to exchange experiences in the codification of Electronic Invoice products and services.

This meeting, sponsored by the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) and the Norwegian Development Cooperation (Norad), allowed participants from both Administrations to share and learn about the different methods of coding products and services implemented in the Electronic Tax Note (Electronic Invoice). In addition, they discussed the different uses of this information to obtain controls in the operations of Value Added Tax (ICMS) taxpayers and improve services to taxpayers and citizens.

CIAT and Norad, as sponsors of the event, are committed to supporting the efforts of CIAT member countries to modernize their tax administrations. Both organizations continue to promote international tax developments and the exchange of experiences and best practices within the framework of equity and efficiency of tax systems.

This meeting is a clear example of how international collaboration can lead to innovation and improvement in the field of taxation. With events like this, CIAT and Norad are helping to build a more equitable and efficient future for tax administrations around the world.

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