It’s a Bird…It’s a Plane…It’s SuperApp

The Techonology Meeting App

Yes, I like to get ridiculous when it comes to special events.

And this is actually one of those events. Not only is it spectacular, it also comes with an app: The CIAT/ITC Technology Meeting App. You can get it at your local Apple Store or at Google Play. I have to tell you; this is super good stuff. Download your copy while supplies last!

There are many significant benefits to the app. First of all, it’s free. Secondly, it contains about all the information on activities planned for the meeting the week of October 10th through the 12th. Also, it will prevent receding hear-lines and dandruff. Well, not exactly. But the first 2 statements are true.

Let me perform a literal biopsy of the app:

1) This is what the opening screen looks like

Did I hear an, “Ahhhhhhh!!!!!” No? Ok. Let’s move on to the next.

2) Event App Table of Contents

And as the name implies, you can access all the good stuff from this page. That really good looking guy at the top is me. Did I hear another, “Ahhhhhhh!!!!!” No? Ok. Let’s move on.

3) Activity Stream

This part is really, really important. Really! It shares information on activities prior to the event and during the event. Such as, who registered on the app, other hotels in the area, items of interest and the like. Your participation and contribution is what makes this a living app. As Dr. Victor Frankenstein would have said, “It’s alive! It’s alive!”

4) People

Here is where we see who is going to the most super-duper event of the year! Don’t be left out. Download your app today, while supplies last!

And see all the beautiful people, “Where do they all come from?” Nah! You don’t remember that. Fuhgeddaboudit.

5) The “About” page

This is the treasure trove of information on why you’re in Miami that week. Or where you scheduled to be in Mogadishu? Not that there is anything wrong with that.

6) Schedule

You have no idea how much information we want to share with you. Loads and loads of information. The schedule is jam-packed with exciting presentations. You won’t have a chance to look at your mobile phone during the presentations. You don’t believe that, do you? If you do, are you interested in the Panama Canal? It’s for sale.

7) Speakers

Yes! We came to see them. We came to hear them. The Rock-Stars of tax administration. The holders of the code. And behold, they are in front of us, on stage, to share their wisdom.

8) Exhibitors and Sponsors

They are the ones that make it happen. Visit the Exhibit Hall. Speak with the company representatives. Find out how you can make your tax administration more effective and efficient.

9) Local Area Map

And is for some reason your surroundings don’t look like home, there is a Local Area Map page to assist you in finding your way to South Beach.

10) Interactive Map

Got lost in the hotel and don’t know where the meeting is taking place? Check the app for information.

11) Twitter

Liked something? Didn’t like something? There’s always Twitter to convey your thoughts.

OK! That’s it. Have I sold you on the app yet? It’s really good stuff. Download today and try it. I’m certain you’ll enjoy it. If not, you can get your money back. No problem. (Did I tell you it´s free?… OK. You could still delete it).

See you in Miami!




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  1. Alfredo Collosa Reply

    felicitaciones muy buena iniciativa¡ descargue hace bastante tiempo la app y voy viendo toda la previa del evento.

    Creo que es una excelente iniciativa para todos los eventos esto de la app.

    Pensemos que estamos pasando hoy en dia un momento en el que todos estamos muy atentos al celular mas que a otra tecnología y por ende me parece fantastica la iniciativa.

    Sigan asi¡¡


  2. Maria Angélica Bernardes-MG/Brasil Reply

    No voy a estar presente en la reunión, pero me encanta la lectura de artículos como este, lleno de entusiasmo y buen humor. Felicidades por APP y su artículo.

  3. Kirk Douglas Zerillo García. Reply

    Buenas Noches.“…acceso de múltiples y opuestas maneras de pensar; a ese estado…” (Friedrich Nietzche – Humano Demasiado Humano).“…transportaba los conceptos de arriba y de abajo, al espacio infinito, en el que carecen de sentido, así también los filósofos en general transportaban el concepto de dentro y de fuera a la esencia y a la apariencia del mundo…” (Friedrich Nietzche – Humano Demasiado Humano).“En un momento dado nuestro conocimiento científico es simplemente la modernización actual de nuestro entendimiento. Yo no creo en las verdades absolutas. Le temo a tales creencias, porque obstaculizan la búsqueda de una mejor comprensión. Sin embargo, no se busca entender al mundo, simplemente por entenderlo.” (Eliyahu M. Goldratt – La Meta).“De este mundo de la representación, la ciencia puede libertarse en realidad solamente en una medida mínima, aunque, por otra parte, no sea ello muy de desear por el hecho de que no puede destruir radicalmente la fuerza de los antiguos hábitos de sentimiento, pero puede iluminar muy progresivamente, y paso a paso, la historia de la génesis de este mundo como representación, y elevarnos, a lo menos por algunos instantes, por encima de toda la serie de los hechos.” (Friedrich Nietzche – Humano Demasiado Humano).

  4. marcapaso Reply

    ¡ Excelente ! muchas expectativas para este encuentro

  5. Norman Williams Reply

    Excelente!!Compartir y darle horizontalidad a la información, no solo era totalmente necesario, sino que será bienvenido por toda la comunidad CIAT !!FELICITACIONES!!Norman.

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