Latin American meeting of experts on the control of large taxpayers

The event “Good practices of tax offices of large companies in Latin America” organized by the Internal Revenue Service (SRI) with the support of the Inter-American Center for Tax Administrations (CIAT) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) took place on February 16 to 18, 2022. It generated positive results in terms of control of the segment of large taxpayers at local and regional level.

Ecuador was the host country for the event, which was attended by tax experts from several countries such as Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Peru and Costa Rica. It also included speakers from institutions such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Tribute Foundation.

The Director General of the SRI (Internal Revenue Service) of Ecuador, Marisol Andrade, emphasized that the global trend has shown that the application of management systems on large taxpayers produces, in the short term, effective results in collection.

“It is very important to generate opportunities to share experiences, strategies and tools that allow us to generate an increasingly specialized control to these important segments that, according to the criteria defined in each country, are considered as the most relevant for their participation in the collection”, mentioned Ms. Marisol Andrade, Director General of the SRI.

Following international best practices, the SRI will strengthen areas such as:

  • Compliance control to Large Taxpayers. 
  • Institutional governance mechanisms.  
  • Risk analysis systems.
  • Legal security as a priority for international investment.
  • Fight against corruption.
  • Dispute prevention and resolution.
  • Corporate governance and cooperative compliance agreements.

Through the Large Taxpayers Directorate, the SRI collected USD 4,810 million from May to December 2021, which represents a growth of 16% compared to the same months of 2020; in the month of January 2022 alone, USD 750 million were collected, representing an increase of 13% more than in the same period of 2021.

With the organization of this international event, in which nearly 500 participants from Tax Administrations of 17 countries and 4 international organizations participated, Ecuador has become a benchmark in the fight against tax evasion, leading towards the highest standards of good practices in taxation.

Source:  Website SRI-Ecuador

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