Meeting of the international tax planning control committee

The second meeting of the International Tax Control and Planning Committee held from 16 – 18 June successfully concluded.  The committee was chaired by AFIP of Argentina and had the technical coordination of the CIAT Executive Secretariat.  The meeting was held in the Balboa I Meeting Room of the Intercontinental Miramar Hotel in the city of Panama.

The main objectives of the Committee are to identify, know and disseminate the best practices related to the control of evasion and avoidance schemes used internationally, perfect the CIAT Manual for International Abusive Tax Planning Control and product Technical Reports with the recommendations of CIAT member countries.

Fourteen member countries of CIAT participated at the meeting: Pablo Porporatto and Horacio Curien for Argentina, Claudemir Malaquias for Brazil, Francois Ranger for Canada, Eduardo Medel for Chile, Myrian Romero for Colombia, Juan Carlos Gomez for Costa Rica, Elizabeth Hidalgo for Ecuador, Carlos Serrano for Spain, Angel Gonzalez for France, Luca Conte-Papuzzi for Italy, James Mburu for Kenya, Jorge Libreros for Mexico, Marco Heutinck and Rob van Kuik for the Netherlands and Nieves Vargas and Carlos Santos for Dominican Republic Mr. Claudino Pita, CIAT Executive Secretary gave the opening remarks and Maria Raquel Ayala Doval, Director of Tax Studies, Miguel Pecho Manager of Tax Research, Gonzalo Arias, Specialist from the Tax Research Management, and Julio A. Lopez, Technical Assistant of the Tax Legislation and Statistics Coordination Department participated representing CIAT.

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