Meeting of the Risk Management Network

From November 28 to December 1, 2017, the second meeting of the Risk Management Network of CIAT took place at the Training Center of the Spanish Cooperation, located in the city of Antigua, Guatemala. This meeting was attended by representatives from 21 member countries of CIAT, United Kingdom, IDB, IMF, and GIZ, who met with the objective of discussing the first draft of the Handbook on Risk Management of Tax Noncompliance developed together with experts of the SII of Chile.

This meeting made possible to define the structure of the Manual, its contents and the scope of its sections, as well as a tentative action plan. In the framework of these works, interesting experiences of the network members were identified, which will enrich the theoretical contents of the preliminary version.

The Executive Secretariat of CIAT is grateful for the participation and support of all the Network’s members present in Antigua and, in particular, the contributions of GIZ from Germany, the IDB and the Spanish Cooperation, which have been essential to carry out the meeting.

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