Mr. Angel Gonzalez: New Head of the French Mission

August 5, 2008 – On August 1, 2008, Mr. Ángel González has taken office as Head of the French Mission before CIAT, thus replacing Mr. Marc Amouroux.

Prior to his current appointment, Mr. González served as the General Division Director in the SUD-PYRENEES’ Inspection Interregional Board, based in the city of Toulouse. Since 2006, he has been responsible for the division in charge of the follow-up of the inspection activity and of the contentious instance of eight inspection teams.

The positions held by the new Head of the French Mission include that of Tax Attaché in the French Embassy before the government of Spain, Head of the Inspection Team of Paris Interregional Inspection Board, Responsible for Corporate Tax Education and commercial Accounting at the National Tax School, among others.

It is worth mentioning that Mr. González has vast experience in benchmarking studies in the area of legislation, organization and missions of the Spanish and Portuguese tax administrations. In addition, he has provided international administrative assistance and has participated in negotiations of bilateral agreements and conventions.

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